How to get from Pristina to Peja by train - Kosovo
Posted: July 21 2020 | Tagged: The Balkans
Latest: Only 1 train per day from Pristina to Peja and no Skopje train either!
Sit back and enjoy the ride. Train travel from Pristina to Peja in Kosovo. There are always multiple spelling here: Pristina, Prishtina, Prishtinë and Peja or Pejë. Very confusing for Google SEO
Sit back and enjoy the ride. Train travel from Pristina to Peja in Kosovo. There are always multiple spelling here: Pristina, Prishtina, Prishtinë and Peja or Pejë. Very confusing for Google SEO
After 6 days sightseeing in Prishtina, I took the train to Peja.
At present (July 2020) there is only one departure out of Pristina and that's the 16:30 to Peja. The fare is just 3€ and you can buy the ticket on the train. The journey takes just less than 2 hours. I pinpointed the station in Pristina on the map below as for some strange reason it hasn't been included Google Maps. I did suggest an edit, so maybe soon it will be shown.
At present (July 2020) there is only one departure out of Pristina and that's the 16:30 to Peja. The fare is just 3€ and you can buy the ticket on the train. The journey takes just less than 2 hours. I pinpointed the station in Pristina on the map below as for some strange reason it hasn't been included Google Maps. I did suggest an edit, so maybe soon it will be shown.
Pristina Hauptbahnhof, about 20 minutes walk from the center:
Hanging out in the Velowagen, all the carriages were ex AUSTRIA RAILWAYS I believe.
Casualties of the railways:
Many of the stations are all but derelict:
Keep your distance:
Arrival in Peja:
The train in Peja the next day:
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