Discover Turkey: Amazing Fairy Chimneys in Cappadocia
Posted: November 20 2020 | Tagged: Turkey
Cappadocia, famous for its landscape which has been sculptured entirely by erosion, and is probably the most popular spot in the whole of Turkey. Fabulous views at every turn!
I first came here back in the Summer of 2010. Despite being at an altitude of 2000m, it was searingly hot. 45degC. Impossible temperatures. I slept in a cave hostel, a relief from the heat but left me wheezing as it was so damp.
Buried deep in my archives, here are 3 images from that trip in 2010:
Buried deep in my archives, here are 3 images from that trip in 2010:
Fast forward 10 years and a few months and here I am once again in Cappadocia (mid November 10 to 12 deg C in the day, +1 to -4 deg C at dawn):