Promoting Nomadic Backpacker Mexico City with stickers
Posted: March 17 2021
Stickers are a fun alternative to business cards to spread the word.
"If you don't see me on the road, maybe you'll see me on the wall"
Courtesy of Miss CDMX, she's a graphic designer by trade, I now have more than 100 stickers:
It's all about spreading the word. Stickers are a common site across Mexico City and to make sure I am moving with the times, Miss CDMX said that stickers help establishing a connection. Like a signature.
We spent a lazy Sunday sticking stickers in the Roma district of CDMX:
We spent a lazy Sunday sticking stickers in the Roma district of CDMX:
Masked up and sanitizer at the ready (see belt loop).
But it is not as straight forward as just putting the stickers anywhere. This is one of the first examples from mid-January.
The NomadicBackpacker sticker on a clean post. Miss CDMX thinks that the owner of the street stall in the background, keeps his area 'clean'.
The NomadicBackpacker sticker on a clean post. Miss CDMX thinks that the owner of the street stall in the background, keeps his area 'clean'.
The sticker is no longer there.
Here, stickers have been removed, by the guys who come to read the gas meter:
Here, stickers have been removed, by the guys who come to read the gas meter:
Of course, some stickers are removed to make way for others to put their own stickers, or simply pasted over or as is the way, people, I am assured, like to remove the stickers to keep.
I am hoping people will be noticing and taking photos of my stickers to refer to later.
I am hoping people will be noticing and taking photos of my stickers to refer to later.
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