How to get from Panajachel to Antigua by Chicken Bus
Posted: July 5, 2021 | Tagged: Guatemala
Continuing the journey, I take the chicken bus from Panajachel to Antigua:
Chicken buses are ex-US school buses sold/given to Latin American countries and are known locally as Camionetas and not as Bus de Pollo.
The term comes from the fact that passengers used to travel with live animals, more often than not, chickens. Yup, they eat a lot of pollo and eggs here. Though this is not unique to Latin America. Southeast Asia transports more than its fair share of livestock too.
Some refer to it as being packed in like chickens at a poultry farm. "Sardine buses" just doesn't have the same ring to it does it!
The easiest way is to take the shuttle from Panajachel to Antigua. 150 Q for the privilege. Also recommended if you don't travel well.
But World Travellers and Global Nomads opt for the cheapest, long-winded and often much more uncomfortable way.
The journey from Panajachel to Antigua is just 110km and involves 4 separate chicken buses:
The term comes from the fact that passengers used to travel with live animals, more often than not, chickens. Yup, they eat a lot of pollo and eggs here. Though this is not unique to Latin America. Southeast Asia transports more than its fair share of livestock too.
Some refer to it as being packed in like chickens at a poultry farm. "Sardine buses" just doesn't have the same ring to it does it!
The easiest way is to take the shuttle from Panajachel to Antigua. 150 Q for the privilege. Also recommended if you don't travel well.
But World Travellers and Global Nomads opt for the cheapest, long-winded and often much more uncomfortable way.
The journey from Panajachel to Antigua is just 110km and involves 4 separate chicken buses:
- Panajachel to Sololá
- Solalá to Los Encuentros
- Los Encuentros to Chimaltenango
- Chimaltenango to Antigua
1. Panajachel to Sololá:
The bus starts from near the La Torre Supermarket.
Panajachel to Sololá: 5Q 25 mins
Panajachel to Sololá: 5Q 25 mins
Nomadic Backpacker happy to be moving again after 3 weeks in Panajachel.
2. Solalá to Los Encuentros:
Bus 2: Sololá to Los Encuentros. Again very easy. The bus starts across the road from where you get dropped off. Solalá to Los Encuentros: 5Q 25 mins.
3. Los Encuentros to Chimaltenango:
Bus 3: Los Encuentros to Chimaltenango: Bus ride from hell. The driver was a super maniac. It's the through bus to Guatemala City. Not sure why the passengers don't say, "hey dick head, slow the fuck down". Everyone was gripping the seat in front with both hands. Get the bus from across the road from where you get dropped off.
Los Encuentros to Chimaltenango: 30Q 55 mins.
Los Encuentros to Chimaltenango: 30Q 55 mins.
4. Chimaltenango to Antigua
Bus 4: Chimaltenango to Antigua. Easy. The driver of Bus #3 will stop on the highway assuming you are in the GC bus and you need to walk down the slip road and in the small lay-by wait for the Antigua bus to come by. Poor choice if pissing with rain.
Chimaltenango to Antigua: 10Q 35 mins.
Chimaltenango to Antigua: 10Q 35 mins.
Breakdown of the journey from Panajachel to Antigua by Chicken Bus (this is still correct as of 2024):
Compare this to the gringo shuttle
Tips for riding the chicken buses:
Watch your pockets. Watch for wandering hands. Theft is common. Each seat is good for 3 people. Bit of a squash. Watch what locals pay and give the conductor the same. Masks are mandatory. Loosely enforced mostly though on bus #2 the conductor didn't take any shit. Avoid sitting at the back or on seats over the wheels.
- Total cost: 50Q
- Total time: 2hr 35
- Adventure factor: 10/10
Compare this to the gringo shuttle
- Total cost: 150 Q (price in 2024)
- Total time: 2 hr 30. Traffic is only as fast as the slowest truck. Shuttles probably go a little slower on the highway than the chicken bus
- Adventure factor: 0/10
Tips for riding the chicken buses:
Watch your pockets. Watch for wandering hands. Theft is common. Each seat is good for 3 people. Bit of a squash. Watch what locals pay and give the conductor the same. Masks are mandatory. Loosely enforced mostly though on bus #2 the conductor didn't take any shit. Avoid sitting at the back or on seats over the wheels.
How to take the Shuttle from Panajachel to Antigua
Of course taking 4 separate chicken buses might not be for everyone.
Maybe you have luggage that you just can't balance on your lap.
Maybe chicken buses just aren't your thing.
Maybe you have luggage that you just can't balance on your lap.
Maybe chicken buses just aren't your thing.
Read here on How to get from Panajachel to Antigua by shuttle bus.